Saturday, January 28, 2006

My Vaccillating Mind

Hmmm. Ok...(ponders). It appears that my mind is not so sure about where my body is going to be,later this year, after all.
Just a few weeks ago, like 2 or so, I was almost 100% sure that I wanted to go back to Canada and teach ESL there for a year or so in Toronto.
Now, I don´t know anymore. Yup, I´m still back to where I was (mentally speaking) a few months ago.
Truth is, yes I have my frustrating days with this different culture and mentality sometimes, but I love Spain. I really do. I feel like I am only beginning in improving my spanish...there is still so much to learn and see in this beautiful country!
Kevin and I have this routine every Friday now where we go see a movie together...we see the films in spanish of course, and it´s so awesome to be able to understand about 70% of the movie! I feel very accomplished...also, now that I hang out with the UN gang (hehe) all the time I get to practise my spanish every, in class of course, because when I teach English or German Vocabulary I often hear the spanish translation from my students!
I don´t know...I have just been thinking now about all the wonderful possibilities that this great country can still offer me...I feel like a year maybe won´t be enough, you know? I really want to hone my spanish skills more...I have already improved by so much! My spanish teacher would be proud, heeheh...
Thursday and last night, I went out with the gang and we bumped into Elena, Gavin and Dearbhla...which was cool cuz then we all started dancing together to this great spanish Reggaeton music (along with some typical flamenco and salsa music accompanied by dance beats) was just so much fun, and the clock was inching its way past 2:30 a.m., and I kept thinking how in Canada the clubs would already be closing...sucky.
Furthermore, one thing I don´t miss from Canada is of course the incredible cold...I cry like a baby now when it´s -3 here, which isn´t often. Most days we still have 7 degrees, it seems to be the norm for winter weather or something (not complaining, hehehe).
I know that I still have a while before I REALLY have to make up my mind about if I want to stay another year or not, but it´s really hard and I wonder if I will ever really know. Of course I love Canada, the beautiful country where I grew up..but I feel that Spain is only beginning to show me its secrets, and I still have so much to discover. I have already seen great places: san sebastian, madrid, toledo, barcelona, santander, cuenca and of course now logroño, but there are still many cities that I still want to see.
One of those places is the beautiful Asturias, located in the north-west of Spain. Oviedo is its capital, and this province is said to be the greenest of Spain. Even though it is located north, the temperatures are said to be nice, although a bit rainy sometimes. Life is also supposed to be very cheap, with awesome awesome food and very warm-hearted people. Mark my words, I will at least see this beautiful province on a weekend trip or something...I am thinking that I might go there for Easter, when I have 4 days off.
I´m terrible, eh? Got a new digital cam and still haven´t posted many pictures...don´t worry, haven´t been anywhere else except here in Logroño since I got it for Xmas...hmmm, I guess I´ll take some Logroño pics and post them here next time for you all to see ;)
In other news, Theresa, another new teacher, will be coming to Inlingua this Tuesday or so...I really hope that she will be fun to hang out with, I´m really looking forward to meeting her :) Fresh Blood.
So a nutshell, Heidi is still undecided about where she is going to spend her next year after her contract is over in Logroño. If I chose to, I could renew my contract, but I still want to travel and experience new things, so if I do stay for another year in Spain, it will be somewhere else.
Although I do sometimes miss Canada and of course my awesome friends, I don´t really have homesickness. Now that I have established myself here and am pretty much fully independent, I know that I´ll be ok here...
I feel like my life here is very cheap and I make good money, so I can save a crapload of cash for my future endeavours.
My NIE number still needs to get settled, but that´s a whole other story. More on that someday.
The sun is shining right now...I think I will take a nice long walk accompanied to dance music. Man, Logroño has great bars and discotecas...thanks, my UN people ;)
Soon, in 2 weeks time, I will be in London, yayyyy so much fun!
Heidi xoxoxoxoxo

Saturday, January 21, 2006

"Hey Child, Stay Wild"

I just came back from a 2 hour, listening to Madonna´s CD while power walking makes you forget the time. Yes, I still listen to her CD...among many others. :) I still enjoy it a lot and expect to hear many of her songs in the discos.
Yesterday night I went out again with Kevin, Eduardo, Jan and ANOTHER GERMAN guy named Patrick. Wow, I can´t believe how many Germans I am now meeting in Logroñ´s pretty cool :) I went to see "Memoirs of a Geisha" (in Spanish of course) with Kevin, and it was a really really good movie. I liked it a lot, mainly because the colours and cinematographic effects were simply stunning. Now, I am not sure if it follows the book´s story by 100% (Eve, you would know) but I am assuming that the ending must differ. Well, Steven Spielberg made a great film...I recommend it, and it actually makes you want to go to Japan ;) Eve, even though you are already there, watch it when you get the chance...I think you might like it as well (unless you discover that Mr. "Spielbergo" horrificly changed the book´s story).
In other news, I think that I must be looking much wiser than my´s become somewhat of a game: everytime somebody asks me, "How old are you anyways?", I always respond back with a "How old do you think I am?". Surprisingly, everybody guesses me at AT LEAST 25...most at 27! When I ask them why, they always respond with a :"Well, you seem to really know what you want in life, and just your mannerisms and, look where you already are." I always feel really good when I hear that...cuz yeah, I guess it´s true. ;P
Soon, in about 2 weeks or so, we will be getting yet another new teacher, this time from Ireland. One of our teachers is leaving because she got a job as a secretary in a winery, so her job will be taken over by Theresa (she´s around 26 or so, I´ll still be the youngest). I hope that Theresa will be cool...yeah, the name sure doesn´t suggest it, but you never know...I am looking forward to meeting her. The Irish are so cool! Gavin and Dearbhla will surely like her.
Yeah, it´s funny. In Madrid, I bonded with so many, it´s the contrary. I think that, in the end, it´s much easier making friends with guys because they are so less...complicated?´s true :P Girls are always silently competing against each other...I dare you to negate me!
Tonight I am going out with the gang again...last night was fun, we went to several different bars again and had some great Tapas...then we danced a´s pretty fun cuz you go from one rock bar to a dance bar, and so keeps changing :P I was pretty frightened in one bar though, because Celine Dion was singing "You Shook Me All Night Long" and a video was featuring her....(shudders). No, Celine, I don´t want to know what shook YOU all night long..although I can assume it´s around 80 years old and has hairy balls.
I am so mean.
In still other news, MY MOTHER MAY BE COMING TO SEE ME AT THE END OF FEBRUARY!!!!!!!! She is going to Germany for a few weeks, and she told me today that she might buy a cheap flight to madrid and come and stay with me in Logroño for a little bit :) Wow...February is going to be so great! I get to see Shane in London, AND my mother too! know, January and February are usually the months that I despise the most, but this year they seem to be shaping up to be really great...well, let´s hope so.
Until soon, Heidi, love you all...xoxoxoxooxoxox

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wednesday Afternoon Musings

I hate being tired. I´m sitting here at home right now, and I just finished my lunch...why do we feel tired after having eaten? My next class is at 4:30pm, so I still have a bit of time to spare. I don´t really feel like taking a nap though (but I might succomb to the inevitable)...
Wednesdays are usually very very long. I try not to dread Wednesdays, but sometimes it´s hard. It also doesn´t help that it´s January...I have always hated this month, for some reason. The weather is really mild today though, so I really shouldn´t be complaining...ergh, but no sun...I am craving my vitamine D. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend. I would love to just sit in the sun all afternoon, and write in my journal or something...
I will probably go see another movie this weekend, maybe again another Spanish one...there is supposed to be a really funny Spanish movie called "Al otro lado de la cama", which means The Other Side of the Bed. Hmmm, we´ll see...
I am so excited for Feb.10th...can´t it February already? We have reserved our hostel already, and I booked my flight last everything is pretty much ready :) It will be nice to leave for London, kinda like a short mental break for me :)
This week, for some reason, the little kids have been acting like hooligans. You get your good days with them, and your bad...hopefully the group named "Pokemon" won´t give me too much of a headache this evening.
Nothing too new to report, although I have made some plans for myself, for the year 2006 (yes, yet again). This time though, I think that I will stick with them...I think that this is really what I want to do.
I am thinking of going to Australia sometime in July to go visit Shane...if I don´t go this year, I don´t know if I will ever go! With him being there, I have a great excuse to, I found a pretty great website with sweet deals, so hopefully my ticket won´t end up being too too expensive. I had thought about travelling throughout Europe before coming back to Canada, but flying to Australia was always a bigger dream...maybe this year I will finally go!
I am planning on flying back to Canada with my Lucy in early July and then leaving for Oz...then, to come back in August and give off my resume to several ESL companies throughout Toronto...I am very excited just thinking about all of this, and I hope that I am not getting too overexcited about everything.
It will be SUCH a pain in the butt bringing the cat AND my luggage back, but I hope that it won´t be too too difficult (my mom helped me when I arrived in Spain but probably won´t be able to help me again since she will be working).
Wow, the sun just crept nice. It´s a little windy today, but nice and mild...a southern wind.
Oh, we are getting a new female teacher sometime in February, which is also exciting news...I think that I need to bond with more girls, I mean, I have great girl friends at work, but I don´t feel extremely extremely close to them...we get along super well and talk a lot, but I feel so...different from them :P Maybe it´s because I am younger? In Madrid, I bonded with a lot of nice girls who were my age...I miss Kitty actually, she was awesome..I wonder how she is doing, I should email her...
So we´ll see. Hopefully the new girl is cool and not too old. Kevin will be a nice addition, I believe. He´ll be doing a lot of company teaching, so we might not see him around too much, but still, it´s nice to have an additional number on my cell :P
In a way, I feel that January is flying by, but also in another way, it´s as if it´s not. Maybe I am just thinking way too ahead of myself, and that is why I feel so in-the-present but also "ahead". Weird feeling.
I am excited though for what 2006 has to offer...I don´t know, I feel as if it is going to be a great year...I hope that I am right :)
I also hope that I will be able to save enough money for all of my plans, well, so far so good...
That´s it for now...until soon
Heidi xoxoxoo

Saturday, January 14, 2006

One chupito, Two chupito, Three chupito floor...

Last night, or should I say "this morning" was quite a part-ay night. After my one and only class (Oh, how I love my semi three-day weekends) me and my new coworker from the UK Kevin went to the movies. After having perused the time schedule and playlist for the umpteenth time, we finally decided to let ourselves be surprised and to go see a genuine Spanish movie called "Vida y Color". I suggested to Kevin that we go see that movie, because movies that you´ve never heard anything of sometimes prove to be the most interesting of them all. Sure enough, we were pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the movie. No, I won´t go into detail of what happened, but it´s about life in Spain in the 1970´s and the trials and tribulations of a young teenage boy growing up amidst the time when Franco is nearing death. There´s also a lot of talk about colours in the film, with the boy dreaming of owning a colour t.v. and how he hates a life of black and white. What I understood from all of this is that Spain was in some sort of black shadow because of Franco, and all were yearning to own their "colour tv´s", to see the light of the real world outside. The boy´s grandfather also dreams of a new world where Franco is finally "dethroned". The whole colour theme is accentuated by the boy reading oodles of comic books throughout the movie and being an avid collector of colourful cards (depicting, oddly enough, parts of body...).
Of course, there is much more to the film and about the boy´s personal troubles, but as I said, I won´t go into very much detail ;) You´ll just have to rent it.
After the movie, Kevin told me that he was going to go have some drinks with his roomates. He asked me if I wanted to come, and even though it was actually bone-numbing cold last night, I agreed. It´s always nice meeting new people, plus Kevin said that one of his roommates was German.
So, we met up with his roomates and some friends at around 11pm at this bar called Domino. We ordered this GINORMOUS drink (can´t remember the name) and of course, me being a lightweight in all sense of the word, couldn´t finish it, so I gave it to Kevin. I was only about 1/4 done with the enormous "copa" when I already started feeling extremely drunk. I knew that if I was going to stay up until God knows when, I would have to take it slow.
Afer that, we went to another bar, this time called El Mexicano. We all had some Margaritas, and to tell you the truth I thought that it tasted God-awful, and AGAIN, I had to give some of it to somebody else...this time, it was the German guy Jan (pronounced Yan) who I gave it to. I found his dialect´s quite a different German than from I how talk. It was great talking German again another Spaniard there named Eduardo was also able to speak German. However, I told him that I wanted to speak Spanish with him to improve myself.
After that, we went to yet another bar closer to the cinema, and there I had a melon Chupito, which was quite nice. :) Chupitos are little shots by the way..and of course I was able to finish was really quite delicious actually! At that bar, we met about 3 more people who were just soooo nice. They were all Spaniards, and two of them were English teachers at a school in Logroño (although to be quite honest I didn´t find their English THAT great...I guess that´s why the quality of English learning suffers in Spain..not enough people who know English well enough to teach it properly..but of course I didn´t say anything, :P). I spoke Spanish with them, which was great, and they were just so funny and outgoing, it was great. I barely met this one guy when 2 minutes later he is inviting me to his birthday party!
After that bar, we went to another one closer to Calle Laurel, where there are just bars lined up next to each other...quite a great street! There, I had a nutty flavoured chupito, which tasted so-so...not that good actually, when I rethink about it. Everyone else kept ordering big glasses of vodka or rum with coke or fanta limon, but if I would have done that I would have been having spasms on the floor :P
After that, we went to yet another bar where I had my FINAL (yes, ladies and gentlemen) chupito which was DISGUSTING. It was a coffee-flavoured chupito...and no, not as in tasty moccachino coffee..I mean as in I-can-taste-the-coffee-beans-oh-my-God-there-is-one-piece-floating-in-my-drink kinda chupito. I just downed it with closed eyes, let´s just say.
Well, by this point it was only around 2:30, the night still being young, at my request, we all went to Graff, my favourite disco bar. Although the disco bar was hardly jumping with people, I started getting my groove on and of course went bonkers when Hung Up from Madonna started playing. I also did a lip-sync medley to Grease with one of my new friends when that song came was real great fun!
The best part was watching kevin dance with a woman who could have been his grandma...hahaha we all practically crapped ourselves..she was soooo into it! Afer that first dance with him, she kept coming back for was hilarious, needless to say :)
Kevin ordered baileys for all of us (thinking they were going to be little glasses, as is customary in the UK) and instead gets this huge ass glasses handed to him. Hahaha, now, of course I wasn´t able to drink it all, so I gave it to Eduardo...
After that, at around 4 in the morning, we went to Iñigo´s apartment and just watched some music videos (others still had drinks, I settled with water)...nice guy that he is, Iñigo drove us all back home (no, don´t worry...he actually DIDN´T drink at all...pretty responsible guy) at around half past that was great, since I soooo didn´t feel like walking home after that.
Now, if I would have actually finished ALL of my drinks last night, I would be a disaster today. But, since I was only able to finish the chupitos, I´m actually feeling quite well today, except for the inevitable tiredness since I went to bed at 5:30 and woke up at 11:30 (yeah, what the hell is wrong with me).
You know what the best part is? I didn´t spend ONE SINGLE CENT. I did feel a bit guilty, but heck...people were always offering me drinks! I like how it´s usually one person who pays for everything, lol...oh, I feel bad...but....meh! ;)
Today I need to do groceries and run a few little errands...I will probably take a short nap in the afternoon (yawn). I might also watch a DVD, since my brother burned me so many great ones...
Hmmm..although I am invited to this birthday party, part of me just wants to stay home and relax...if I go out again tonight, I know that I won´t be sleeping again until 6 in the morning! I´ll have to take a raincheck with them, I know that those peeps go out all the time, so I think that it´s best that I just relax tonight....
But man, what great fun. Good times, good times...
Wow, it´s only Saturday? Thank God, it feels like a Sunday :P
Anybody wanna come to España and experience the chupito experience with me? There must be a trillion different kinds of flavours...but take the melon, the melon is where it´s at!!!
love you all, until soon, your chiquitita Heidi xoxooxoxox

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hello 2006

Well, just to start things right off the bat, my gingerbread cookies were a success...everybody really liked them ;) Everything was well worth the effort, and I will keep the recipe for next xmas....
Now, on to other things: My two weeks in Germany were really nice, I spent it all with my family of course, so it was really nice and relaxing. To be honest, I didn´t do anything extraordinary, but that´s fine of was my intention to relax, and boy did I ever! I went to Cologne, Bochum, Ferntal, Oberhausen, Roermond and Leverkusen to see my relatives and to do some was great overall, and we actually got some snow! My first week in Germany was a white one...hehehehe
I got spoiled by relatives, they would always ask me what I wanted to eat and where I wanted to go...thank you so much everybody (yeah, they won´t read this since it´s in English, but anyways....). I don´t have anything out-of-this-world to report, only to say that I ate lots of good German food and watched a lot of movies (nothing new from the theatres though, and yes, of course they were all dubbed in German, hehehee).
Coming back to Spain was actually kind of a blow again....I am only realizing now how loud and disrespectful the spaniards can sometimes be. Also, the food options and choices are better in Germany, in my opinion....heck, I can find everything there that I can´t find here....
When people bump into you here, don´t expect a sorry, or an excuse me. In Germany though, even little kids (ok, there must be exceptions) say excuse me and things like that when they accidentally run into you...and don´t even get me started on the cashiers...they always wished us a great day with a cheery didn´t matter where we went! Courtesy and Politeness is very big in my mother country, and I am proud of that. The spaniards have a lot to learn in that regard...
Hmm, it sounds like I am complaining, doesn´t it? Well, I still love this country, but politeness and respect have always been very important to me.... and my neighbour this morning really made me fume! Her door was wide open and she was talking really loudly to a little, was she ever annoying! She must have stood in the hall for a good 20 minutes, talking with this really cootchy coo annoying voice so the whole neighbourhood could hear. Most Germans would not act like that.
Well, it´s all good...every country is different of course, different customs, etc. I have already adapted to it, and to be quite honest I didn´t even think about it too too much before going back to Germany! I guess now, with a fresh mind on Germany, I can compare the two countries better (something which I should avoid as much as possible, comparisons suck and can be neverending).
On the other hand, when I was in Germany I thought about how they were missing out on the great weather that we have here and the delicious tapas from Logroño. Plus, people go to bed way too early in Germany, lol! I have already gotten used to dancing all night, so it´s a shock to me now when I hear,"I came home at 3 a.m." Damn, how did I ever do that in Ottawa? It´s way too early, people should keep on dancing :)...and just sleep it off the following day.
So there ya go..different customs, different countries...I´m sure Eve has her own stories about the Japanese way of living :P
Tomorrow is Back to Work Day....oy, I hope that it won´t be too painful to get back into the groove! My next official vacation is only in mid-April (yeah, ages away).
We are getting a new coworker tomorrow, another guy from England. I look forward to meeting him, and hope that he will be fun to have around. I like meeting new people, and hopefully he will be friendly and open with all of us. I also hope that he won´t be old...I don´t know, I´m the youngest at work and it would be nice to have somebody there who´s around my age. Something tells me though that he will be in his mid-thirties. We´ll see if I´m right or not.
The weather here is still really good. I can´t believe that January can be this warm. Ottawa now has -17 degrees and here we have 7º, STILL don´t miss that city (just the people).
I can´t believe that we are in 2006...2005 was really good to me overall, so I wonder what this new year will bring. I wonder where I will be headed after I am thinking of travelling in July and afterwards possibly heading back to Madrid to work there for a few months...(if I I find a good job that is, I wouldn´t go back to Canterbury and work for them). It all depends on job offers, in the end. I kinda miss that big city sometimes, so it´s a big possibility. I just wonder how much work there is during the summer (gulp).
I still have lots of time to decide....
On another note, me and Shane will see each other in London in February! I am so excited already..and so happy! What a great way to break the winter duldrums :) I am sure that we will make the most of our time together...and I will finally see the city of London for the first time! I am so very happy..and here I thought I would only see him in December again :) I am also excited for him, for his trip to Oz...I hope that it will be everything that he is hoping it to be!
Wow, I´ve been living here in Spain now for more than 6 months...
What will this year bring me?
Until soon, xoxoxoo Heidi