Well, I was going to post today mainly about all of the wonderful things that I saw when I took a REALLY LONG 2 hour walk all the way to the park called "La Grajera" (outside of Logroño). It was a gorgeous 25 degrees today, and having no class at all, I walked all the way there and basked in the sun for a good 6 hours...it sure was worth it.
I guess the title already tells you what I will talk about instead. My brother called me this evening by beginning with,"Are you sitting down?". That alone gave me a heart attack in itself, thinking that something had happened to my parents. He then proceeded to tell me how he had found our dog Bingo lying in the mud in our driveway, shaking and convulsing all over....he rushed him to the vet, where they gave him 12 (!) shots to try to anesthize him (his body wouldn´t go to sleep! the doctors were puzzled...). Bingo did not get hit by a car, the doctors found no bruises or broken bones. My brother thought that he might have eaten something bad, but the vets didn´t think so because if that were the case then his body would have reacted to the shots at least...
Maybe Bingo had some kind of brain tumor...we just don´t know. Nerve damage? Arghhh... Why was he twitching uncontrollably? My brother was crying at the vet´s...
When my brother told me this, I didn´t cry. I feel strange...disconnected. If I were in Canada right now I would be mourning and weeping to no end. I loved my dog Bingo; I had gotten him for my birthday....ah, Bingo, what memories we had! At least you knew that I loved you. We always called you the stupid, loveable dog...who´d have thought that the wild Blacky would outlive you? Well...now I am shedding tears.
The vets told my brother that they could keep Bingo for a couple of days...and that they could give him different shots. Problem is, the bill would escalate well above 1000$....my brother felt terrible, and said that it was unfortunately too much money (and first of all, the vets didn´t even know what was wrong with him!The bill could mount up to even more and yield no positive results). Finally, they put my loveable companion to sleep. My brother himself is going to bury him (where my cat Billy was buried in 1999). It all feels so surreal...I hope that he didn´t feel too much pain, but I am sure that he did. I wonder what happened, he was fine just a few days ago. Apparently he was convulsing and shaking so much on the rocky driveway that he even ripped off one of his toenails...oh, Bingo...what could have happened? Brain tumor? Maybe we´ll know from blood results in a few days...maybe not.
So strange. I feel centuries old.
I´m tired.
Goodbye Bingo, I loved you so much and will never forget you. Your friend 4ever, Heidi
Hello! My name is Heidi and this is a collection of my teaching experiences in Spain: Logrono and Huelva, to be exact. You'll get some information about the North and South of Spain and will be able to view some neat little pics that I took during my travels. Now teaching in Canada, I am planning a trip back sometime soon...happy reading :)
Friday, March 31, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Good day Sunshine! Nothing but good vibes...
I am feeling absolutely, positively FABULOUS. It´s an unbelievably gorgeous day today...seriously, it feels like 27 degrees. I took 2 very long walks already today, and it´s only 2pm....needless to say, my mood is incredibly positive. I LOVE SPAIN!!!! It´s March 25th and here I am, walking around with my bright orange sleeveless shirt like we´re in July or something. It´s great :)
I think that I am also feeling really good because of my diet and exercise change. For a while now, I´ve only been consuming healthy foods (also a big thanks to my mom for my canadian vitamines...I swear they make a difference!). My health has skyrocketed back to 100%. I even lost the extra 5 winter pounds that I had put on. Go me :)
I woke up early this morning and went shopping: really cool new sunglasses, a new spring shirt and flower pins for my hair. I can´t wait to look cute for Monday, hehehe...
I am still working a heck of a lot more, with the extra hours and everything that I have to do for another teacher who can´t teach mornings anymore, but my boss told me that she might be able to shorten a few other classes for me, so we´ll see how that goes.
Oh, it´s oh so so so beautiful outside...I am going to go outside again later and write in my journal...
All of my windows are open right now.
Even Lucy is happy.
I think that I am also feeling really good because of my diet and exercise change. For a while now, I´ve only been consuming healthy foods (also a big thanks to my mom for my canadian vitamines...I swear they make a difference!). My health has skyrocketed back to 100%. I even lost the extra 5 winter pounds that I had put on. Go me :)
I woke up early this morning and went shopping: really cool new sunglasses, a new spring shirt and flower pins for my hair. I can´t wait to look cute for Monday, hehehe...
I am still working a heck of a lot more, with the extra hours and everything that I have to do for another teacher who can´t teach mornings anymore, but my boss told me that she might be able to shorten a few other classes for me, so we´ll see how that goes.
Oh, it´s oh so so so beautiful outside...I am going to go outside again later and write in my journal...
All of my windows are open right now.
Even Lucy is happy.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
This Baby´s got a Temper
I hate my roommate´s girlfriend...so much so that it scares me. Tonight I came home to find that, not only had she finished my other carton of milk, but she had opened another one....
I´ll show that BLEEP(!).
Wait till she opens the fridge door.....
Have I mentioned how much I hate that BLEEP (!).
It takes a lot for me to hate someone.
It´s not just the milk, it´s a whole bunch of things....what a pity that my roommate is so dependent and needed to have her back in his life....the last 2 weeks were precious without that BLEEP (!).
I´ll show that BLEEP(!).
Wait till she opens the fridge door.....
Have I mentioned how much I hate that BLEEP (!).
It takes a lot for me to hate someone.
It´s not just the milk, it´s a whole bunch of things....what a pity that my roommate is so dependent and needed to have her back in his life....the last 2 weeks were precious without that BLEEP (!).
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Best St.Pattie´s Ever!!!

Helloooooo....heheh somebody had lent me a Leprechaun hat, called "Duende" in spanish.....

My buddy and coworker Kevin from London! He also tried on my wig quite a few times last night...I guess I kept giving it to people cuz it got itchy and hot under that thing...hehehe glad other people liked my idea :P

My spanish amigo Iñigo, who´s also a teacher at another school...this is one hilarious dude who reminds me of a friend back in high school...next to him is Angel...no, he´s not sleeping, just the camera caught him at a bad moment.

El "Jefe de la Noche", the Boss of the night, Eduardo (on the right) and a new dude that I met last night and can´t remember his name for the life of me (sorry new dude). Eduardo is another hilarious spanish amigo, who I met (just like Iñigo) through Kevin...go UN gang, go!
The night was a blast and we ended up all going to bed at around 6 a.m....after Dante O´Neil´s, the Irish Pub on Calle Chile, we went back to Calle Portales and went bar hopping...eventually making our way to the discoteca "Concept" where we danced the night away...good times, good times, oh and great singing Gavin...damn, how did you manage not to make it in any of my pictures? I´ll get you next time :P
Oh, on another note...I met a CANADIAN girl from TORONTO last night, and 3 other Australian girls who were all studying at the university of Logroño (they were in their last year). How cool is that? I had such a great chat with them that I gave them my number on a whim and told them that we should all get together...they seemed super friendly, and will be staying here for a year...so maybe I´ll meet up with them for coffee or something...:)
Yes, last night was grand indeed....and I even saw big Tony, one of my former students at the pub!!!!
xoxxoxoxo love you all Heidi....Hope you had a great St-Pattie´s Day
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St-Patrick´s Day!
I´m wearing my green U2 t-shirt right now. Why? Cuz it´s Bono day!!! Actually, it is...it´s my dad´s, Bono´s, birthday today....feliz cumpleaños Papa!
Me and Theresa each bought green curly wigs (this past Tuesday) and some green make-up, so tonight should be fun :) I´m looking forward to another night of partying with my friends...and going to bed at probably 7 in the morning or so. :P
This past week was just GORGEOUS here...everyday was sunny and about 24 degrees...too bad the weather is a bit crappier again, but hey, can´t have sun everyday I guess...
I went to the Berceo Shopping Center again about 2 hours ago, and didn´t find anything good....hmmmm, might go again next weekend or so. Still need to get new shoes.
I worked insane hours this past week because I had to cover a few classes from one of my coworkers..and next week I´ll have to do the same thing again...ugh. Hopefully it will be my last week of taking EXTRA classes on top of my already packed schedule.
I´m happy that Spring has finally arrived! Yes, technically it starts on Monday, but for me these temperatures are already Spring and THEN SOME.
I miss riding a bike or going rollerblading. Eve, you´re lucky to have a bike there already. I don´t want to buy blades or a bike cuz of course it would be way too complicated lugging it around with me....
Thank God it´s Friday. My teens are writing a test today, so I´ll talk less today in class.....afterwards, depending on how much time is left, we might just end up doing a speaking activity together. Hopefully the class will go by fast...
Saturday night is movie night with Kev and Theresa...we are gonna watch that movie with Jake Gyllenhall, Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins....grrr what´s it called again? I forget...oh well, it would be a spanish title anyways :P I´m excited for that...should be good.
Hmmm...that´s about it for now I guess...
until soon, Heidi xoxoxoxxoox
Me and Theresa each bought green curly wigs (this past Tuesday) and some green make-up, so tonight should be fun :) I´m looking forward to another night of partying with my friends...and going to bed at probably 7 in the morning or so. :P
This past week was just GORGEOUS here...everyday was sunny and about 24 degrees...too bad the weather is a bit crappier again, but hey, can´t have sun everyday I guess...
I went to the Berceo Shopping Center again about 2 hours ago, and didn´t find anything good....hmmmm, might go again next weekend or so. Still need to get new shoes.
I worked insane hours this past week because I had to cover a few classes from one of my coworkers..and next week I´ll have to do the same thing again...ugh. Hopefully it will be my last week of taking EXTRA classes on top of my already packed schedule.
I´m happy that Spring has finally arrived! Yes, technically it starts on Monday, but for me these temperatures are already Spring and THEN SOME.
I miss riding a bike or going rollerblading. Eve, you´re lucky to have a bike there already. I don´t want to buy blades or a bike cuz of course it would be way too complicated lugging it around with me....
Thank God it´s Friday. My teens are writing a test today, so I´ll talk less today in class.....afterwards, depending on how much time is left, we might just end up doing a speaking activity together. Hopefully the class will go by fast...
Saturday night is movie night with Kev and Theresa...we are gonna watch that movie with Jake Gyllenhall, Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins....grrr what´s it called again? I forget...oh well, it would be a spanish title anyways :P I´m excited for that...should be good.
Hmmm...that´s about it for now I guess...
until soon, Heidi xoxoxoxxoox
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Stupid German
It´s 2pm and I just woke up...went to bed at around 8 a.m. this morning. Wow, hadn´t done THAT in a while...
Last night, I went out to have a few tapas with my friends. The more we kept on walking and visiting various places, the more people we met. It was all really fun, since I had been sick for God knows when and seriously needed to dance and see all of my friends again.
So, as usual, we danced and talked and ate a little....and then I met this one German dude named Robert who was a friend of Gavin´s (well, let´s just say they kinda knew each other a little cuz Gavin works at Siemens sometimes and he always walks by his office).
Well, at first, the guy seemed nice and normal.
But as the night progressed he SERIOUSLY got on my nerves, be it through his dorky dance moves, stupid comments or sarcastic remarks. WHAT a loser...oh man, at the end I was actually laughing not WITH him, but AT him...and the idiot didn´t even seem to notice.
I can´t really say only ONE thing that I hate about him...it´s a mixture, really. He laughed at my German "accent", he laughed when I said I didn´t know 100% what nationality I considered myself to be, he thought I was torturing my cat Lucy by not allowing her outside (yeah, with the Flu virus now being a danger and the fact that I spent so much money on her shouldn´t be issues...nor the fact that she would probably have a heart attack if she were outside...pffff), he tried putting liquid hot chocolate on my nose in a cafeteria and said,"Don´t be so uptight, it´s just chocolate!¨ and MEANT it, he pressured this poor, beautiful spanish girl into dancing with him and she (thank God) only danced a few steps and then walked away shaking her head, we went into a cafeteria, bought our croissants (this at 7 in the morning) and then he says,"Oh yeah, by the way, I only have 1.60 on me...can you guys foot the bill?" and THEN the cream of the crop, what made me look at kevin as in I-want-to-murder-this-dweeb, he says, "Heidi, how can I ever repay you? Oh, I know....I can teach you German!" I hope I never see that guy again...he kinda ruined my night of fun...sarcastic, lame comments that he thought would be funny ended up being really annoying, to say the least.
I managed to squeeze in a few "Kevin, that guy annoys me" last night....man, that guy was just soooooo lame. Such a terrible socializer...it´s incredible how fast I went from thinking,"Ah, nice guy" to "Idiooooooooooooooooot".
I just turned on my cell phone and lo and behold...it´s a message from Kevin...at 8:10 a.m. I had left at 8 on the dot cuz I was a bit cold and needed to get some sleep...wow, poor guy must have gotten his ear talked off! The message reads: Please help me, he´s boring me 2 tears!!!! Kevin is far too nice sometimes.
Robert, you ain´t got a clue. You really don´t.
Since I didn´t go see a movie last night, me, Kevin and Theresa are going to do that tonight (prepared a teen´s class test for next week instead).
So yeah, I had a lot of fun dancing my buns off and chatting with friends, but I REALLY would have loved NEVER having met him. Man, really...so so so so so annoying. I didn´t even hide my annoyance and he didn´t have a clue...and hey, it´s me, Heidi! In order FOR ME to SHOW annoyance to you IN YOUR FACE I really really really need to dislike you SEVERELY.
Now I gotta start my day...
Can´t wait to see Kevin tonight and just bitch about this dude...he obviously kinda felt the same way, judging from his sms. It´ll be nice to chat with Theresa as well, since she went to Burgos last night for a birthday party...
well, I gotta get up now and get this day moving!
see you soon, xoxooxoxxoxooxox Heidi
Last night, I went out to have a few tapas with my friends. The more we kept on walking and visiting various places, the more people we met. It was all really fun, since I had been sick for God knows when and seriously needed to dance and see all of my friends again.
So, as usual, we danced and talked and ate a little....and then I met this one German dude named Robert who was a friend of Gavin´s (well, let´s just say they kinda knew each other a little cuz Gavin works at Siemens sometimes and he always walks by his office).
Well, at first, the guy seemed nice and normal.
But as the night progressed he SERIOUSLY got on my nerves, be it through his dorky dance moves, stupid comments or sarcastic remarks. WHAT a loser...oh man, at the end I was actually laughing not WITH him, but AT him...and the idiot didn´t even seem to notice.
I can´t really say only ONE thing that I hate about him...it´s a mixture, really. He laughed at my German "accent", he laughed when I said I didn´t know 100% what nationality I considered myself to be, he thought I was torturing my cat Lucy by not allowing her outside (yeah, with the Flu virus now being a danger and the fact that I spent so much money on her shouldn´t be issues...nor the fact that she would probably have a heart attack if she were outside...pffff), he tried putting liquid hot chocolate on my nose in a cafeteria and said,"Don´t be so uptight, it´s just chocolate!¨ and MEANT it, he pressured this poor, beautiful spanish girl into dancing with him and she (thank God) only danced a few steps and then walked away shaking her head, we went into a cafeteria, bought our croissants (this at 7 in the morning) and then he says,"Oh yeah, by the way, I only have 1.60 on me...can you guys foot the bill?" and THEN the cream of the crop, what made me look at kevin as in I-want-to-murder-this-dweeb, he says, "Heidi, how can I ever repay you? Oh, I know....I can teach you German!" I hope I never see that guy again...he kinda ruined my night of fun...sarcastic, lame comments that he thought would be funny ended up being really annoying, to say the least.
I managed to squeeze in a few "Kevin, that guy annoys me" last night....man, that guy was just soooooo lame. Such a terrible socializer...it´s incredible how fast I went from thinking,"Ah, nice guy" to "Idiooooooooooooooooot".
I just turned on my cell phone and lo and behold...it´s a message from Kevin...at 8:10 a.m. I had left at 8 on the dot cuz I was a bit cold and needed to get some sleep...wow, poor guy must have gotten his ear talked off! The message reads: Please help me, he´s boring me 2 tears!!!! Kevin is far too nice sometimes.
Robert, you ain´t got a clue. You really don´t.
Since I didn´t go see a movie last night, me, Kevin and Theresa are going to do that tonight (prepared a teen´s class test for next week instead).
So yeah, I had a lot of fun dancing my buns off and chatting with friends, but I REALLY would have loved NEVER having met him. Man, really...so so so so so annoying. I didn´t even hide my annoyance and he didn´t have a clue...and hey, it´s me, Heidi! In order FOR ME to SHOW annoyance to you IN YOUR FACE I really really really need to dislike you SEVERELY.
Now I gotta start my day...
Can´t wait to see Kevin tonight and just bitch about this dude...he obviously kinda felt the same way, judging from his sms. It´ll be nice to chat with Theresa as well, since she went to Burgos last night for a birthday party...
well, I gotta get up now and get this day moving!
see you soon, xoxooxoxxoxooxox Heidi
Friday, March 10, 2006
"Put Your Records On"
by Corinne Bailey Rae is my fave new song.
My health is getting better and better...I hope that it will continue this way...
I had a great time with my mom last weekend, had a few tears and everything, but I´m doing great and this proved to me more than anything that I am capable of being fully independent in this big, big world.
Going to see another movie tonight with friends...
Sorry, short entry, but I don´t feel like writing too much right now...just wanna listen to music before my next class starts.
Glad to have finished correcting a lot of tests this afternoon...
Outside, the wind is blowing fiercely.
Random words, flying all over the place...
until soon, Heidi xoxoxoxo
My health is getting better and better...I hope that it will continue this way...
I had a great time with my mom last weekend, had a few tears and everything, but I´m doing great and this proved to me more than anything that I am capable of being fully independent in this big, big world.
Going to see another movie tonight with friends...
Sorry, short entry, but I don´t feel like writing too much right now...just wanna listen to music before my next class starts.
Glad to have finished correcting a lot of tests this afternoon...
Outside, the wind is blowing fiercely.
Random words, flying all over the place...
until soon, Heidi xoxoxoxo
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
March comes a-marching in
Well, well...in 19 days it shall be Spring...yay :) I hope that March will be a good month, February wasn´t too bad, except for my sucky health. Hopefully March will be better in that aspect at least.
I just finished watching two new Starsailor videos and they are awesome...I want their third album (but will probably only buy it when I am back on canadian soil, whenever that will be). I didn´t even know that their third album came out last October. Some fan I am...actually, I kinda stopped infatuating about them when my obsession for U2 started to rise last year at around this time....(I had bought my U2 tickets sometime last February). I still love starsailor though....James Walsh has got a pretty awesome voice. :)
My next class is starting soon, so I am just killing time cuz I´m a bit bored...yawn, Wednesdays are so long...I call them "Marathon Wednesdays", cuz they really are.
On another note, I can´t believe my mom´s coming in 2 days...man. It´ll be quite something, I don´t know what to think of it right now...it feels surreal...seeing your mom after 8 months again!
I better buy 5 boxes of tissues right now. I´ll let you all know how that goes and how many empty rivers I will fill.
Besides that, nothing too exciting to report now...can´t wait for easter vacation. DAMN, is all I´m gonna say.
lots of love, Heidi oxoxooxxooxoxoxo
I just finished watching two new Starsailor videos and they are awesome...I want their third album (but will probably only buy it when I am back on canadian soil, whenever that will be). I didn´t even know that their third album came out last October. Some fan I am...actually, I kinda stopped infatuating about them when my obsession for U2 started to rise last year at around this time....(I had bought my U2 tickets sometime last February). I still love starsailor though....James Walsh has got a pretty awesome voice. :)
My next class is starting soon, so I am just killing time cuz I´m a bit bored...yawn, Wednesdays are so long...I call them "Marathon Wednesdays", cuz they really are.
On another note, I can´t believe my mom´s coming in 2 days...man. It´ll be quite something, I don´t know what to think of it right now...it feels surreal...seeing your mom after 8 months again!
I better buy 5 boxes of tissues right now. I´ll let you all know how that goes and how many empty rivers I will fill.
Besides that, nothing too exciting to report now...can´t wait for easter vacation. DAMN, is all I´m gonna say.
lots of love, Heidi oxoxooxxooxoxoxo
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