...that's me!
"What's wrong, Blanca?" -"I can't find my fallen tooth! (starts crying)" "Hmmm...let's look for it." I can't believe I found it...in the garbage. She had wrapped it in a small tissue and another student had thrown the tissue in the garbage (of course, the ONLY time small kids care about cleaning up). I seriously can't believe I found it. She sure looked relieved.
"What's wrong Lola?" -"Carmen drew a black line on my pink sweater (starts crying)" "Ah, that's nothing...let's go to the washroom and clean it up. A little bit of crayon gets easily washed off." Lo and behold, I was right. Again, look of relief. I think that I am well on my way of acquiring my very own pair of angel's wings. Maybe next week, when I help a kid out of his shoulder-high wedgy I will even have my very own halo.
Things at work have been busy as usual. I was very tired this week. Usually the worst day is Wednesday...a long siesta before the evening classes start is highly needed. Sometimes I manage to sleep a bit, sometimes I don't...which unfortunately happens more often than not. I did have a good time though, teaching my students the animals´names in English...TOTALLY goofed off by imitating we were cows, horses, dogs, you name it. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun clucking like a hen. Imagining everybody else seeing me act this way though, mortifies me...hehe.
Oh. Man. The only bad thing about it is STILL having the "Here on the Farm" song in my head. Oh God...where's "Jump in my car" when you need it?
Last night I went to see Little Miss Sunshine with my friends. Loved it! It was really great, and I almost pooped my pants from laughter at the "Superfreak" scene at the end. The characters were just great...definitely one of my fave films of the year so far.
Tonight I am going to celebrate my birthday with my coworkers (yeah, a bit early, since my birthday falls on a Monday this year, ugh) by going out for some chinese food and later going to the Buddha bar for some dancing. I'm looking forward to it, should be good. I'm craving chinese food...unfortunately it won't be a buffet (miss that chinese restaurant that was close to our Pimlico house!), but it should be delicious nonetheless.
In other news, I only have 1 more applicant profile to write! I'm so happy...man I hope that a good Uni accepts me :) Boy, I'm excited for this and I won't even get to hear which uni accepts me until April. Slow down, girly girl!
"She's a super freak, super freak, she's super FREAKKKKKKKKY!"
xoxoxox lots of love, H