The Shins WILL be in Paris...but on the frickin' 1st of April....JUST one day before I will arrive!
(sobs unconsollably) :,-(
Why did they decide to change everything AFTER I already booked my ticket?
(sigh) I'd have loved to be 19.60 euros poorer...
Hello! My name is Heidi and this is a collection of my teaching experiences in Spain: Logrono and Huelva, to be exact. You'll get some information about the North and South of Spain and will be able to view some neat little pics that I took during my travels. Now teaching in Canada, I am planning a trip back sometime soon...happy reading :)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Oh golly gee...
...did I ever have a good day. It was a very productive day, too. I somehow got up early without feeling too sleepy and cleaned the apartment from head to toe. I then decided to go for a walk downtown and to go shopping. I pleasantly bumped into my friend Ana along the way and we decided to hang out together. It was such a beautiful day, too! It was honestly a day for wearing a t-shirt (o.k, just during midday, but still). We had some yummy paella and browsed the stores together, and during siesta I went to her house for some tea and telly.
I also did something that I thought I would never get to...I finally cleaned out my closet (damn you Eminem...this will never ring the same way again). Now I just need to find a Salvation Army or something that will take my clothes...I'd hate to just throw everything away.
Shopping can be so exciting. When I'm in the mood for it, of course...which isn't often. I'd rather spend my money on travelling.
It IS nice having new items of clothing though...yayyyy! I'm such a girl.
I'm glad that I have a day off on the 28th...what a great way to end the month of February :) It falls on a crappy Wednesday too, so that counts for double awesomeness.
I wonder if I'll be able to watch the Oscars here...I doubt it. Even if I do, all the speeches would be dubbed, so it would end up sucking anyway. Oh well. I'm no Oscar nut like some of my friends...
This past week just flew by. Really, I can't believe it's Saturday again (but thank God it is). March is just around the
I might be going to Cadiz next weekend, so that should be fun. Don't know if Angel will be able to come with us, so we'll's apparently a small city, but really nice and interesting. I shall prepare Mr. Camera again :)
On another note, Wilfrid Laurier U contacted my parents. They said that they would email me, but I have yet to receive anything from them in my inbox....grrrrr. I had even sent them an email asking if telephone interviews would be possible (I'm pretty sure that's the main reason they called, since their website said that they would be contacting qualified applicants for interviews), but they haven't replied :( I'll have to get in touch with them over the phone somehow...perhaps my mother can call them and explain to them my situation. This is so retarded because I remember writing on my application that I needed a telephone interview since I was living in Spain. I guess even professors and registrars can be illiterate.
Wilfrid U ain't my first choice, but I've got to try out my chances wherever I can, right?
Oh man oh man, what weeks await me...April 4th, here I come. I think.
Besides all of this, I'm doing well. Working lots as usual...sooooo looking forward to Shane's arrival. I can't wait to practise my French again, too. Bonjour, Paris! There will be so many things to see and do, it will just be pure goodness all over :)
I'm pissed that The Shins aren't coming to Paris...I told Eve that they would be coming to TO on March 17th, and she got her tickets for that show...sooo jealous! There are just so many concerts that I will be missing :( I do love Spain with all my heart, but it blows in the concert domain. There are just sooo many artists that skip over Spain, it's unbelievable. Then again, the spaniards aren't THAT interested in English music, so...blah.
I think the cat is gonna make my laptop overheart. She's lying right next to the fan that blows the heat out from the motherboard...oh, Lucifer. My Lucy Knoo...if you bust this baby I will surely eat you on toast. I'll find a way to cough out the fur.
I can't believe that pay day is coming up In a way, this month did fly by. Yeah, it was crappy at times and I was sick as a dog, but it really did go by fast.
This post has been really random, sorry. I'm kinda tired now and will go to bed soon...tomorrow will be a deliciously lazy Sunday...
To finish off, I'm looking forward to seeing more of random/insane acts of cries for help Britney "Shears" can come up with. Perhaps next week she'll poop in her hand and say that she finally popped out a baby girl. Then she will proceed to microwave it just like she did with her 2 mutant boys.
H xoxoxoxoo
I also did something that I thought I would never get to...I finally cleaned out my closet (damn you Eminem...this will never ring the same way again). Now I just need to find a Salvation Army or something that will take my clothes...I'd hate to just throw everything away.
Shopping can be so exciting. When I'm in the mood for it, of course...which isn't often. I'd rather spend my money on travelling.
It IS nice having new items of clothing though...yayyyy! I'm such a girl.
I'm glad that I have a day off on the 28th...what a great way to end the month of February :) It falls on a crappy Wednesday too, so that counts for double awesomeness.
I wonder if I'll be able to watch the Oscars here...I doubt it. Even if I do, all the speeches would be dubbed, so it would end up sucking anyway. Oh well. I'm no Oscar nut like some of my friends...
This past week just flew by. Really, I can't believe it's Saturday again (but thank God it is). March is just around the
I might be going to Cadiz next weekend, so that should be fun. Don't know if Angel will be able to come with us, so we'll's apparently a small city, but really nice and interesting. I shall prepare Mr. Camera again :)
On another note, Wilfrid Laurier U contacted my parents. They said that they would email me, but I have yet to receive anything from them in my inbox....grrrrr. I had even sent them an email asking if telephone interviews would be possible (I'm pretty sure that's the main reason they called, since their website said that they would be contacting qualified applicants for interviews), but they haven't replied :( I'll have to get in touch with them over the phone somehow...perhaps my mother can call them and explain to them my situation. This is so retarded because I remember writing on my application that I needed a telephone interview since I was living in Spain. I guess even professors and registrars can be illiterate.
Wilfrid U ain't my first choice, but I've got to try out my chances wherever I can, right?
Oh man oh man, what weeks await me...April 4th, here I come. I think.
Besides all of this, I'm doing well. Working lots as usual...sooooo looking forward to Shane's arrival. I can't wait to practise my French again, too. Bonjour, Paris! There will be so many things to see and do, it will just be pure goodness all over :)
I'm pissed that The Shins aren't coming to Paris...I told Eve that they would be coming to TO on March 17th, and she got her tickets for that show...sooo jealous! There are just so many concerts that I will be missing :( I do love Spain with all my heart, but it blows in the concert domain. There are just sooo many artists that skip over Spain, it's unbelievable. Then again, the spaniards aren't THAT interested in English music, so...blah.
I think the cat is gonna make my laptop overheart. She's lying right next to the fan that blows the heat out from the motherboard...oh, Lucifer. My Lucy Knoo...if you bust this baby I will surely eat you on toast. I'll find a way to cough out the fur.
I can't believe that pay day is coming up In a way, this month did fly by. Yeah, it was crappy at times and I was sick as a dog, but it really did go by fast.
This post has been really random, sorry. I'm kinda tired now and will go to bed soon...tomorrow will be a deliciously lazy Sunday...
To finish off, I'm looking forward to seeing more of random/insane acts of cries for help Britney "Shears" can come up with. Perhaps next week she'll poop in her hand and say that she finally popped out a baby girl. Then she will proceed to microwave it just like she did with her 2 mutant boys.
H xoxoxoxoo
Thursday, February 15, 2007
It can't come quickly enough
What the hell is up with this crap month, anyway? Besides being god-awful sick last week, this week hasn't been much better and should go straight to the crapper as well. I won't go into the whole gory details of it, but I've heard enough "Teaaaacher, he won't leave me alone!!!Wahhhh!" and "Look at me! Look what I can do!! (Crashhhhhhhhhh)" to last me a lifetime.
It seems everybody, including the kids, is feeling aggravated and annoyed by the grey days we've been having and the fact that we're in shitty February.
My boss had some complications with her pregnancy, so she's been resting up all week and hasn't shown up for work. Yeah, to many this would mean: "Score!", but I actually miss her and have lots of things to talk to her about...
I'm lucky to have such a great boss. I hope she'll be alright.
So yeah, I've been whining to my close friends and loved ones for the past 2 weeks it seems. If it wasn't being sick it's feeling burnt out and tired of seeing everybody bitch at each other. Dammit kid, you're 6 years with your friends nicely and shut your trap. Life will be much harder in just a few years.
I'm just frustrated this week. I'll live, I guess.
I loved that idea from Shane's blog about our top 7 Jeopardy categories, so here goes:
Heidi is a 24 year old English/French teacher in Spain who can speak 4 languages but not even one perfectly (including Ingleeesh), her dream Jeopardy! categories would be:
-German Schlager Hits
-Guess my Ascendant Sign
-Space Voyages and Upcoming Missions
-Plans for 2035
-Spanish Safety Measures and Customer Service
-Siamese or Smoke Alarm?
Songs that I can't stop listening to while I feel like poop:
1. Sea Legs -The Shins
2. Headlock-Imogen Heap
3. Raphael-Sur la Route
4. Tapes n Tapes- Gallon Ascots
5. Alejandro Sanz- Corazon Partido
So that's all I've got to say for now, I guess. You know how sometimes you feel annoyed for no reason at all? I'm kinda at that point right now...been having a good day but just feel blargh.
Might invite my buddies out for tapas tonight...need to get my mind off some things.
H xoxoxoxo
It seems everybody, including the kids, is feeling aggravated and annoyed by the grey days we've been having and the fact that we're in shitty February.
My boss had some complications with her pregnancy, so she's been resting up all week and hasn't shown up for work. Yeah, to many this would mean: "Score!", but I actually miss her and have lots of things to talk to her about...
I'm lucky to have such a great boss. I hope she'll be alright.
So yeah, I've been whining to my close friends and loved ones for the past 2 weeks it seems. If it wasn't being sick it's feeling burnt out and tired of seeing everybody bitch at each other. Dammit kid, you're 6 years with your friends nicely and shut your trap. Life will be much harder in just a few years.
I'm just frustrated this week. I'll live, I guess.
I loved that idea from Shane's blog about our top 7 Jeopardy categories, so here goes:
Heidi is a 24 year old English/French teacher in Spain who can speak 4 languages but not even one perfectly (including Ingleeesh), her dream Jeopardy! categories would be:
-German Schlager Hits
-Guess my Ascendant Sign
-Space Voyages and Upcoming Missions
-Plans for 2035
-Spanish Safety Measures and Customer Service
-Siamese or Smoke Alarm?
Songs that I can't stop listening to while I feel like poop:
1. Sea Legs -The Shins
2. Headlock-Imogen Heap
3. Raphael-Sur la Route
4. Tapes n Tapes- Gallon Ascots
5. Alejandro Sanz- Corazon Partido
So that's all I've got to say for now, I guess. You know how sometimes you feel annoyed for no reason at all? I'm kinda at that point right now...been having a good day but just feel blargh.
Might invite my buddies out for tapas tonight...need to get my mind off some things.
H xoxoxoxo
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Come away with Cordoba
This wasn't a cold...I'm pretty sure I had the flu. Ugh.
Here are some pics of my stay in Cordoba last weekend. Although it was cloudy and a bit rainy at times, I had a lot of fun and fell in love with the city. It wasn't too small or too big, definitely a city I could live and work in. It was pretty quiet as well (probably because of the season).
This is a wall from The Mezquita, which is an old Arab structure/giant wall that surrounds a huge and beautiful Cathedral.
Lots of beautiful and old buildings in Cordoba. There are sooo many ruins underneath this city, it's incredible. You can see lots of places where construction had to stop because the archeological department had to approve the tampering with a certain area.
During our first day in the city we went to the Archaeological museum, the museum of fine arts, a site where once famous Arab baths stood, and a castle and gardens from the Reyes Catholicos. There were lots of places that were free for EU citizens...other citizens had to pay 1.50 euros.
The cathedral tower from afar. Beautiful, eh? I was standing on top of a little tower in the Reyes Catholicos Gardens.
The garden was splendid. There were lots of little fountains and goldfish everywhere. It sure wasn't as beautiful as the Alhambra, but it had its own seemed a little more quiet and secluded.
This was one of my favourite sites in the garden. Statues of Christopher Colombus and the Reyes Catholicos. There are so many statues like these throughout south-western Spain, yet I still find them beautiful and awe-inspiring. It always makes me imagine of what happened when Christopher proposed his idea to the King...
To the left of these statues there was one single red rose that was in bloom. Screaming like I little girl, I almost tripped over my camera cord out of excitement. I took a picture of it, and memories of Beauty and the Beast resurfaced, lol. You can never take the child out of me :)
Jose, Sally, Donna, Angel, Laura and me. Yeah, the bar was soooo smoky, pardon the blurry image. We had an amazing dinner with Donna's old coworkers: Oxtail! No, trust was REALLY GOOD. Joe and Sally were really nice, but typically British, hehehe. They showed us a bit around the city and later invited us for some drinks.
(There was a painting of 2 frogs facing each other, right in front of me...if they kissed would they turn into gay, princely lovers?)
Inside the Cathedral. Arches, arches and more arches...and I've suddenly got a craving for candy canes. Especially the cherry ones...hmmm.
They prohibited picture-taking, but I have my way with sneaking my camera in...too bad the lighting was terrible and all I could really take was this. I guess you can kinda TRY to imagine what it looked like...It's Willy Wonka's prayer zone, dudes!
I actually did attend mass. How it happened, I still don't know...oompa loompa power?
La Plaza Carreta...or something like that. I always got the name wrong. This Plaza was wickedly awesome and reminded me of Plaza Mayor in Madrid. It actually made me miss Madrid as well. One can just imagine how many people there must be during the summer. Cafes and Bars were pretty much all lined up!
Downtown, there was one street that had lots of cool statues made out of bronze. I found that these ones looked cool the way they were all lined up like that. The signs said 1995 but they all seemed a lot older.
During my picture-taking, an old man (about 65 I would say) approached me and told Laura to snap a picture of us...oh, how I like weird men. He kept saying how pretty we were and then proceeded to invite us out for a beer. I said no, of course. Just a beer? Cheepskate!
I snuck my camera in through a gate and took this pic. In the spring, owners open their gates and let visitors look at their flowers and's one of Cordoba's trademarks. Balconies are just overflowing with vines and flowers, and people come from all over the world to savour in the beauty.
Perhaps I'll return during spring...
For now though...I'm going to do something which I haven't done in a while during the weekend: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
And I'll enjoy myself.
H xoxoxoox
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sorry everyone, but I've been really sick lately and haven't had time to post my pictures of Cordoba. As soon as this fever/cold goes away, I'll entertain you all once again with gorgeous images from this beautiful city.
February is always hard on me. I hope that I won't get 3 colds during this month like last year. Hmmm...funny, if you look back through my old postings, you'll notice that I was sick like a dog EXACTLY 1 year ago as well.
sniff sniff...
woe is me.
H xooxxoox
February is always hard on me. I hope that I won't get 3 colds during this month like last year. Hmmm...funny, if you look back through my old postings, you'll notice that I was sick like a dog EXACTLY 1 year ago as well.
sniff sniff...
woe is me.
H xooxxoox
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