Well, here they finally are: The pictures of the Tomatina in Buñol, Aug. 31st :) Yes, I know, I took forever to get these pics online (I don´t have a good digital camera so I had to get them put on a cd first). This week I finally hauled myself to a photo store and got everything developed..so here are the best pics, enjoy! The pic that you see on top is a pic that we took before the mayhem began...hehehe...from left to right: Kelly, Christine, David, Me, and Vince :) Yes, I am wearing goggles, ladies and gents! I think that my mom would have killed me if I hadn´t...hahah I mean, my eyes are so PERFECT anyways, I see like a hawk, right? LOL It was my idea to take this pic...I thought that the world might like to know that we are actually clean people :) Needless to say, the following pics will depict the insanity as well as the fun that we all had :) (I think I had the most fun getting "tomatoed" though haha) I will never forget this day!

My God...who knows how many thousands of spaniards there were...it was just unbelievable! I asked David to take this pic, since he is so tall and was able to tower above the others and take a decent pic of the crowd that was throwing millions of tomatoes in the air and at each other. The air reeked pretty badly of this acidic fruit (yes, it is a fruit ladies and gents..not a veggie..go look it up if you don´t believe me).

Hahahah besides bringing protective eyewear, I should have brought protective hairwear like this girl here...man, I still found tomato chunks in my hair a week later...and yes, I DO WASH. It was just so insane...look at the tomato pieces on the guy who is standing next to the girl with the pink squid-looking hairwear.

Ahhh, Kelly, Christine and David..hahahah they sure got "tomatoed" alright...although I must say that they still look pretty clean compared to some other people that were there. Kelly kept saying: "I don´t get this...why are these people doing this again?" I guess her facial expression sums everything up. Pure stupidity, yes...fun? Hell yes. The only thing is that the acid from the tomatoes really made your skin itch and burn. Everybody was also always squinting all the time because they were scared of getting a tomato in their eye...guess the goggles weren´t such a bad idea after all (thanks Mom). Hehehehe..why do moms always know better?

David, Vince and Me. Vince also had the smart idea with the goggles..man, did we ever get hit with tomatoes...I got tomatoed everywhere (at one point I was having a one-on-one battle with Vince). LOL, after only a few minutes, our white shirts quickly became in need of a Tide commercial.

Bring on the trucks: the carriers of our weapons. By this point we were all throwing mushy tomatoes at each other..it was a real tomato soup party! We were all joking that we weren´t going to be eating any tomatoes for a really long time. Spaghetti, anyone? (yes, that is Vince at the bottom...he´s got his war-face on)

More people, more tomatoes, more itchy, burning skin...hahahaha. It is so strange throwing stuff at strangers..but man it was great :)

And here I stand before you all, after the madness: a very happy, and exhausted Heidi. Yes, look at that delicious ground...hmmm makes you want to start getting a spoon, no? So many people lost their shoes, it was ridiculous; the ground was so slippery! Showering after this event felt like pure heaven...and by showering I mean being hosed off in a car wash by David, lol. It was really insane, but hilarious! After the Tomatina, we all went to Valencia to soak up some rays and to swim in the Meditarranean Sea on the East coast...ahhh it was divine!
I had so much fun that day and am happy to have finally been able to show you my crazy photos. There were a few others, but I think that these ones at the best (for some reason it wouldn´t let me post more anyways).
So, any comments are appreciated, and if not, no biggie..keep reading and hoped you like my pics of the crazy Tomatina in Spain!
xoxoxoxoxo love you all, H.
I love your pictures! It looks like you're having so much fun. It's fun to throw tomatoes at people, but even better when they're willing participants in a large scale tomato battle. Enoy yourself and you can check out my blog to see what exciting things your missing in Toronto (although not quite as fun and exciting as a tomato fight, but give us some time). Miss you lots!
I would cover you in olive oil and roll around with you on shower curtains
its true
its true
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