Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pandora's Box

One of my New Year's resolutions was to finally get my butt in gear and discover new music again...Pandora has been the key to this.

Now I don't feel so pathetic anymore and feel that I can actually catch up with some of the new music that's out there...(Spain has just not helped in introducing me to good English music).

Here's a list of my newly discovered top 5 artists:

1. Van She
2. Fischerspooner
3.The Boy Least Likely To
4.Regina Spektor
5.Cat Power

I'm so excited. So much great stuff to discover...this is such a great music player.

(incidentally, Van She music is hard to download, anybody got some for me? I've only got Kelly and Mission. Try getting Sex City, it's great.)

I haven't done much this weekend...most of my friends are out of town. I did go see Babel on Friday night with Donna which was AMAZING. I really loved of my favourite movies from the last few months.
Today's just another quiet Sunday and I'm just downloading tunes and wasting time by listening to aforementioned artists and other Pandora artists. Might go for a walk later...even though the weather's looking kinda weird out there.
This upcoming weekend I might finally be going to La Sierra...(will it ever happen?) Cordoba might only fly in early February since my buddies are broke and want me to wait for them. D'ah well...I don't mind waiting if it means I'll be joined by my friends.
Nothing much happened over the past few days...this week I was just busy getting everything organized for the 2nd school term. I DO have lots of planning to do for the next few weeks, but it'll be alright.
On another note, has anybody seen that godawful interview that Paula Abdul gave recently? I don't remember which show/channel she was giving the interview to, but if you haven't, go to youtube and write Paula Abdul interview in the search's hilarious. That woman is so full of prescription drugs/alcohol/crack & cocaine that would make Courtney Love and Whitney blush. Like, wow. I couldn't even finish watching the interview because it was just THAT embarassing and painful. I'm sure you guys would get a laugh out of it though.
I'm out like her sanity.
love you all xoxoxoxo H.


Anonymous said...

you should probably explain to the others what Pandora is... in case they're not as awesome as you to know.

Anonymous said...

Lauren and I have been rocking Pandora for over a year now...except it keeps trying to push ELO on me recently.