I need a vacation. Being a teacher in Spain sometimes means becoming deaf and mute. Mostly deaf. Spaniards just CANNOT control their tone of voice...seriously. During the last half hour of my last class today I played a game with one of my 12 year old classes, and (as usual) they were yelling like banshees. DAMMIT. Don't scream in my ear when I am a mere 10 cm away from you, telling me that the other team's point didn't count. I wanted to strip off his skin layer by layer and then chew on it a-la hillbillie style. Where's my spit bucket?
I totally discipline that class, that's just how they are. Even my boss' sister (who's also a teacher) had to deal with their noise last year, so it's not just with me...
My voice has been transformed into steel. I don't lose it because I've strengthened it so much from disciplining. On the other hand, I might already have the hearing capacity of a 92 year old.
My ears actually hurt, they were being so obnoxious during the game. Thank God my other 12 year old class isn't like that.
I'm just tired. Plain tired. I need a vacation. Now. Paris can't come quickly enough...well, at least I'm going to Cadiz this weekend with some friends (hostel's already booked and everything, thanks to yours truly...as usual). I'm such a great trip planner. Seriously. If you ever need a good travel buddy, then I'm that one person in a million that you'll truly cherish spending tied-to-the-hip moments with. I'm a planner, organizer, get-your-shit together kinda person. I'll even find you a hostel where they'll leave you triangular shaped chocolate hearts on the pillows (or Knight Rider stickers, if you're into that sort of thing).
On the plus side, I'm loving my 5 year olds more and more. They're great, and pretty smart too. My 6-7 year olds on the other hand...kinda iffy. It depends on the days, really. Strange, cuz at the beginning of the year it was the contrary. My, my...how some children improve and how others just seem to disintegrate before your eyes, losing curiosity and the will to learn...
I work hard. Did I mention I need a vacation? My ears, at the very least, need one. Maybe I'll package them up nicely and send them off to Cancun where they'll be able to rest on a hammock or something.
My job is gonna prepare me nicely for when I'll be teaching in a real school. I wonder how Canadian kids will be...I don't expect them to be better than the Spaniards. I mean, they can be loud too...we'll see. It really depends on the kids. There ARE lots of kids in my classes that I simply adore, but of course there are some that you just wanna -BLEEP-!
Welcome to the wonderful world of teaching. Get used to it, H-Bomb.
Oh, I had a telephone interview with Wilfrid Laurier U yesterday. It went well enough, I think...considering I had to call AT work because of the time difference and everything. It sucked that I also had to call them...sheeesh. Universities can't afford to pay long-distance calls? Yeah, and Britney loves her kids. (rolls eyes)
It's the only uni out of my 5 chosen ones that needed an interview. Thank God for that. What a hassle...took me so long to get through, too (they were doing interviews all day). I'll know on April 2nd if I did as well as I thought or not.
Besides all of this...hmmm...just been chilling with friends in Punta during the weekends. The weather's been kick ass great. 21 or so degrees here (TO had -21 yesterday, WTF)...I'm so gonna miss this. Most things in Spain are amazing (I'm not gonna say everything due to slight deafness right now)...I look forward to going to Cadiz and seeing another great city. Pictures will follow, my lovelies...don't worry.
Report card season is coming up...this will be a busy month. 22nd, are you there? Hello?
H xoxoxoxoox
1 comment:
If Making Romance Inside of You is wrong, Heidi, I don't want to be right.
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