Saturday, February 04, 2006


Last night was one of many nights that I will never forget. As usual for a Friday night, me and kevin went to go see a movie, this time: "Walk the Line", but in Spanish it was called "La Cuerda Floja" (The Loose Cord, strangely enough). Theresa, the new teacher, came with us and all really enjoyed the movie. Joaquin really did a good job in my opinion and I would recommend that everybody go see it :)
Afterwards we went to "El Domino" where we met up with Eduardo and Angel. We then proceeded to several other bars, and the night seemed to be just like another typical Friday night in Logroño (i.e awesome tapas, great music and good wine).
But then, I got a message from Dearbhla and Elena telling me that they were waiting for us at the "Stress" we then all made our way to the great discoteca where I know the dj since he was one of my students from one of our intensive courses.
The music, being great as always, made me all giddy and happy and dancy like Steve Urkel and a Polka showdown. After a few minutes of dancing, I needed to go to the bathroom and suddenly found myself literally surrounded by a bunch of spanish men and women...they basically "held" me there in the circle and then danced around me in a circle with their arms wrapped around each other. Me, being in a great mood and giddy as stated before, danced like a happy fool in the middle. Then, in a moment I will never forget, they all raised their arms a few times and said: "A La Rioja!!!!!! A Logroño!!!!". I felt like my happy state of being had conjured these people up and that they were screaming what was inside my was so...beautiful. I couldn´t stop smiling, I felt so happy at the crazyness of the spaniards, the music, everything! They then ALL greeted me with kisses on both cheeks and I got to learn where they were from. They were a bunch of spaniards from Murcia who were on a wine tour in Logroño for a few days. They were all really nice and outgoing, and one of the guys told me that the southern people are basically all like them, so hmmmm maybe I should go visit the south a little more, since I´ve only been in the central, east, and north of Spain :) The people seem so great and friendly!
Somehow, my group of friends eventually mixed up with the murcians, and we all proceeded to dance together, it was really cool. We then all went to another bar/discoteca called "Bonsai" where we all danced to dance and latina music...I got to practise spanish dancing, hheehhe I don´t think I was tooooo bad...although my dance partner was far better, hey, it´s in their blood after all! I´ve got an excuse......hehehehe
So it was a really great night in the end. Those southern murcians from Cartagena were really in a party mood, and we all rocked the house together.
I love Spain so, before Xmas I was seriously contemplating going back to Canada...but...more and more I am feeling very comfortable in Spain and am seeing and feeling the culture to the fullest! Maybe I am feeling this way now more because my spanish is improving a lot...making me feel more at ease and like I belong. It´s just such a beautiful country, and who knows? I am beginning to think more and more that I would love to stay another year...
It´s funny how fast the mind can change its opinion, but well, that´s what happens with people..we are not very stable mentally, are we? heheheheh
I still REALLY want to go to Asturias...I was asking the Murcia spaniards what they thought of Asturias, and AGAIN, nothing but praise...Semana Santa approach already so that I can visit those lush lands :)
Now I am listening to Melendi´s hit "Asturias" appropriate.
Until soon, vuestra chica en este pais bonito que se llama España, Heidi!

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