Ahhh a new month, here we are: Feb.1st! I´m happy that January is finally over, I usually hate that month. Well, February isn´t usually better, but this year´s February announces itself to be far better, in my opinion. Why, you ask?
In just 9 days, I am going to London! For the first time ever! I am extremely excited, it will be so awesome, I can just feel it :) Plus, I´ll get to see Shane before he continues his adventure to Oz, so it will be nice to see him off and to share my London experiences with him.
Also, my mother is going to come visit me sometime at the end of this month (or early March at the very least)! She isn´t sure of the exact date yet, and it won´t be for too long, but it will be nice just to see her face and to show her where I live and work :) She will also rid me of two giant suitcases packed full of odds and ends that I brought and don´t need. Yup, me, the pack-rat (points to herself).
oh....and yesterday I FINALLY GOT MY NIE NUMBER!!! Yayyyyy, it´s important to have this number, cuz it means that you can do everything that a native spanish can do, plus you pay less taxes :P So I was extremely happy about that as well :) I´m all set basically, and this week is pay week (also awesome). It´s incredible how much money I can save here...I´m pretty proud of myself, hehehe.
The week started off on a good note, at least. I had a lot of energy on Monday, for some reason...today is my loooong day, so hopefully my energy will last me through 10pm at least.
I met the new teacher Theresa, and she seems nice, although a bit quiet and shy. I chatted with her for a quite a bit, and told her that I wanted to take her out this weekend, to show her the Logroño nightlife :) Plus, she said that she wanted to come see a movie with us this Friday, which is cool. She seemed a little nervous about starting to teach (she´s pretty new at it, as I was back in October), but I think that I somewhat reassured her. I´m sure she´ll do fine...
In other news, my mind just can´t stop thinking about Asturias. I really don´t know why I am THAT obsessed over it, I mean, it does look nice and picturesque...but what is really pulling me towards this place? Hmmmm....strange forces, heehehe...google Asturias and you´ll maybe see why I want I want to go there...just so beautiful. Gijon and Oviedo are on my list of cities to see in Asturias...oh Easter, come hither!
I am wearing a new black shirt, and the cat keeps wanting to jump on my lap....which of course I don´t want cuz that means that I will be covered in hair (even though she has short hair and actually loses very little)...shoo Lucy, shoo! God, I love her to pieces though, I find her so gorgeous...I have never found a cat so gorgeous before.
Ok, enough drooling over my cat...Heidi, you´re sick.
The sun is shining and it will be 11 degrees today. Spain, I love you (insert picture of heart here).
I´m a little tired right now and will take a wee nap before my next class starts....
Until soon, your chiquitita Heidi xoxoxoxo
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