Sunday, December 03, 2006


...a wee bit of time to update once again. Report card season is coming up, and so far I've finished 40 out of 58. Needless to say I've been a very busy girly this weekend. I got a lot of stuff done and even managed to go out twice with my friends. Impressive.

I was extremely annoyed last night. I won't be going to the Buddha Bar again for quite some time. There were SO many people that I was litteraly suffocating since the air was so bad from cigarette stench and sweat. I had never felt like that before in my entire life and just HAD to get out of there after only 30 minutes. Thank goodness we didn't pay entrance! Grrr...what made me even more annoyed was when one girl got pissed at me for pushing past her while I was trying to get out. What the heck do you want me to do? It was either gently pushing her or knocking her K.O with my elbows. Damn. Why didn't I choose option B? That would've been sweet.

I can't wait to go to Granada...I need to have some faith in the south again and a change of scene. I was missing the North of Spain terribly last night. Before going to the godawful Buddha we went to a little bar called Trastero. It was cozy and crammed full of people and had a certain northern atmosphere to it. I was just missing Calle Laurel and all the great bars and discotecas last night...Huelva has some good places, but it doesn't compare to Logroño in that aspect. Thank Goodness Sevilla is close enough. Donna, Laura and I swore to get our butts to other southern cities as often as possible (Cadiz, Malaga, etc). We can even go to Portugal during a weekend (Lisboa, Faro...).

I'm so excited for Got the Alhambra tickets and everything now, so we're all set to go. Here's hoping the hostal won't be a complete dump since it was super cheap. I'll let you all know if I had cockroaches for breakfast.

The positive thing about last night was the food. Oh my GOD. At least the southern tapas are very good. Camembert tapas with raspeberry croquetas...delicious sauté of various veggies...that was worth going out. The bar/restaurant we went to was wicked. You can draw your own beer since every table has its own "barrel". Donna and I chuckled that this would never fly in the U.K or Canada...people would just put their mouths under the tap and start chugging away. This would be followed with "mysterious" green and yellow stains on the floor having to be cleaned up at night by a grumpy janitor, who'd be traumatized for the rest of his life for seeing Donuts and Fish & Chips mixed in with the lovely slime.

But I digress.

I'm only working 3 days this week. Hoorah for short weeks and national holidays! It'll be a weird week though: Monday, Tuesday and then back to work on Thursday. Grumble, mumble...why no "puente"? Oh well...I'm glad that it's something at least.

They've finally turned on all the lights here in Huelva. I now don't feel like a dumbo for listening to xmas songs. We've also got some decorations at work, and my class will have a teeny tiny xmas tree! Now here's only hoping that the kids won't rip it to shreds :).

I'm so pumped for the holidays. Am I really going back to Canada? Somehow it feels so less than 3 weeks I'll be home!

Jingle Bells, Antonio Banderas' new movie smells, la la la la la la
H xoxoxoxooxoooxox

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