Sunday, April 29, 2007

This and That...and then some

Yay, it's allergy season!!! No breathing through my nostrils for a few weeks...awesome. I'm loving Spring, but man is it ever hard on me. Itchy eyes, itchy ears, sneezing, blocked nose...seems my allergies get worse every year.
Even the cat's not doing so well and it twitching all over...going to bring her to the vet tomorrow morning if I can get an appointment. Yes, cats can get allergies too. Poor Knoo.
This entry will be a little bit about this and that...just cuz I said so. I'm too allergy-ridden to properly concentrate and am trying to wheeze through my forgive me.
Malaga was great. We had a grey weekend, but it didn't rain. It's a small city, but has an awesome nightlife. One only needs 2 days to see most of the city.
This ship here to the left was actually a restaurant, surprise surprise. It probably features posters of Captain Sparrow and has a sweaty/slimy Orlando Bloom greeting customers at the door.

"...where everybody knows your name..."

I never really followed that show, although it did provide me with some laughs on the odd days I'd catch it. Oh, one thing: Kirsty, dang! What a pity.

The Picasso Museum was really interesting, although it had the structure of a labyrinth. Seriously, when you need to hire 25 people just to tell tourists through which doorway/hallway to go through, you should definitely call those architects back and give them a little spanking. Of course, not the good kind. And if you do give them a spanking, make sure to sport a Dali moustachio...just to be an ass. Cuz everyone knows how crazy Dali was. Haha, oh crazy boy, you.

Another church...another person getting doomed by God. When we walked into the cathedral, there was a boy/man (gremlin?) playing with the security switches. It only took security 5 minutes to politely tell the gremlin/boy/blob to take his hands off of it.

Preparation H, anyone?

This was a nice fountain right by the port...I somehow managed to strategically hide the kissy couple that was making out riiiiiiiight behind it.

Love the details on the ceramic tiles. Everything has ceramic tiles here in Spain. Just 3 days ago, I saw a woman wearing a ceramic-tiled hat. Then her feeble body crumbled and she sank into the ground. That sucked, man.

The view from our hostel. We were located at an awesome sport that overlooked main street.
Notice the drenched streets. I lied, it did rain...but just at night. No drops hit my lil 'ol head during the day. :)

On Sunday, we went to Ronda...a beautiful town located about 65 km North-West of Malaga. The air was so pure, the grass was so green, my nose was so blocked. Ahhhhh, Spring.

This is the really old bridge that makes Ronda famous. I'm not quite sure in what year it was built, but it might have been sometime during the invention of bread.

Down, down, down...couldn't take it all in. Quite the sight!

Who feels like a little serenade? You've got to hand it to the spaniards, they sure know how to make their balconies look all cute and stuff. Well, Cordoba rules in that area, but I still found Malaga and Ronda beautiful with its flowery balconies and little streets.

I truly had a great weekend with my friends.
My next trip will likely (and hopefully) be somewhere in Portugal. I'd die to go to Valencia and Barcelona again, but unfortunately they are just too far for a weekend getaway. Oh well, at least I've already been ;).
This upcoming week will hopefully be short and sweet. No classes on Tuesday, and no evening class on Friday (there might also be a slight chance that I'll finish at 7pm tomorrow!). May's the last long work month, really. God, the weeks are flying by faster and faster.
Hopefully I'll be able to breathe better soon, but I doubt it...May was worse for me last year than April (eep!). I've got pills, but I don't want to take them every day, ya know?
Other than that...I'm dying my hair tonight! I'm also going to be heading over the hairdresser's this shocked, be amazed, be surprised. This girl's gonna look different.
I heard rat-tails have become popular again.
xoxoxoxo H

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