Tuesday, September 05, 2006

You seemed like one of the invincible ones....

Go ahead; laugh. I don´t care. But I´m extremely bummed out about Steve Irwin´s death, and have been ever since Monday...growing up, I used to watch his show with my family, enjoying his enthusiasm for wildlife and creatures. His death is a great loss.
When I read the terrible news on msn Monday morning, I couldn´t believe it. I immediately thought about his wife Terri and his two children...and that just broke my heart. Sure, he was a risk taker, and in some ways people might think that this is just destiny that he died from one of his adventures...but a stingray?? Struck in the HEART? It just doesn´t feel right, you know? They are usually docile creatures...Í guess what I´m trying to say is that it´s unfair, in a way.
I watched a "remembering Steve" documentary where they had snippets of previous interviews , and it litteraly broke my heart to see how much his children loved him, especially Bindi Sue since she is the eldest of his kids...she was stroking his hair and face while he was talking during one interview and she proudly said,"When I grow up I want to be just like Daddy!". Heartwrenching.
Poor kids still probably don´t understand what has happened to their father.
I´m sure that Terri is a tough woman, and I´m sure that she must have talked about death more than once with her husband during the late night hours (obviously, no once can deny risks with a profession like that) but it´s still a sad situation and I´m sure that she must be devastated.
I just feel as if this wasn´t his right moment to go. I feel terrible saying this, but maybe if a crocodile would have gotten him, his death would have seemed more plausible and I would have accepted it better.
I feel really bummed out...the last time I felt this way for a celebrity´s death was for Princess Diana...1997. Long time ago.
Goodbye, Mate....

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