Saturday, March 11, 2006

Stupid German

It´s 2pm and I just woke up...went to bed at around 8 a.m. this morning. Wow, hadn´t done THAT in a while...
Last night, I went out to have a few tapas with my friends. The more we kept on walking and visiting various places, the more people we met. It was all really fun, since I had been sick for God knows when and seriously needed to dance and see all of my friends again.
So, as usual, we danced and talked and ate a little....and then I met this one German dude named Robert who was a friend of Gavin´s (well, let´s just say they kinda knew each other a little cuz Gavin works at Siemens sometimes and he always walks by his office).
Well, at first, the guy seemed nice and normal.
But as the night progressed he SERIOUSLY got on my nerves, be it through his dorky dance moves, stupid comments or sarcastic remarks. WHAT a loser...oh man, at the end I was actually laughing not WITH him, but AT him...and the idiot didn´t even seem to notice.
I can´t really say only ONE thing that I hate about´s a mixture, really. He laughed at my German "accent", he laughed when I said I didn´t know 100% what nationality I considered myself to be, he thought I was torturing my cat Lucy by not allowing her outside (yeah, with the Flu virus now being a danger and the fact that I spent so much money on her shouldn´t be issues...nor the fact that she would probably have a heart attack if she were outside...pffff), he tried putting liquid hot chocolate on my nose in a cafeteria and said,"Don´t be so uptight, it´s just chocolate!¨ and MEANT it, he pressured this poor, beautiful spanish girl into dancing with him and she (thank God) only danced a few steps and then walked away shaking her head, we went into a cafeteria, bought our croissants (this at 7 in the morning) and then he says,"Oh yeah, by the way, I only have 1.60 on me...can you guys foot the bill?" and THEN the cream of the crop, what made me look at kevin as in I-want-to-murder-this-dweeb, he says, "Heidi, how can I ever repay you? Oh, I know....I can teach you German!" I hope I never see that guy again...he kinda ruined my night of fun...sarcastic, lame comments that he thought would be funny ended up being really annoying, to say the least.
I managed to squeeze in a few "Kevin, that guy annoys me" last, that guy was just soooooo lame. Such a terrible´s incredible how fast I went from thinking,"Ah, nice guy" to "Idiooooooooooooooooot".
I just turned on my cell phone and lo and´s a message from 8:10 a.m. I had left at 8 on the dot cuz I was a bit cold and needed to get some, poor guy must have gotten his ear talked off! The message reads: Please help me, he´s boring me 2 tears!!!! Kevin is far too nice sometimes.
Robert, you ain´t got a clue. You really don´t.
Since I didn´t go see a movie last night, me, Kevin and Theresa are going to do that tonight (prepared a teen´s class test for next week instead).
So yeah, I had a lot of fun dancing my buns off and chatting with friends, but I REALLY would have loved NEVER having met him. Man, so so so so annoying. I didn´t even hide my annoyance and he didn´t have a clue...and hey, it´s me, Heidi! In order FOR ME to SHOW annoyance to you IN YOUR FACE I really really really need to dislike you SEVERELY.
Now I gotta start my day...
Can´t wait to see Kevin tonight and just bitch about this dude...he obviously kinda felt the same way, judging from his sms. It´ll be nice to chat with Theresa as well, since she went to Burgos last night for a birthday party...
well, I gotta get up now and get this day moving!
see you soon, xoxooxoxxoxooxox Heidi


Anonymous said...

That's not hot.

Anonymous said...

further proof that you're the only german that matters in the world... and clearly also the sexiest.